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by Waqar Ali Ali 16 Oct 2019 0 Comments

Sleep Cycles and Average Sleep Time

We need to understand that sleep is not hour’s long unconscious state but is actually divided in cycles. Many of us who can’t enjoy deep sleep can well relate to this fact as they know that they often wake up 2 to 3 times during their 8 hours night sleep. The lucky others who enjoy deeper sleep cycles may find this strange as they rarely notice their wake ups where they briefly wake up, stretch, turn around and go back to sleep again.

Dr. Christopher Green writes about these cycles in his book Toddler Taming. He documents this being verified through actual researches conducted on babies and toddlers. He says sleep time is divided in cycles which can be described as light sleep, deep sleep, dreaming, briefly waking up, turning around and going back to sleep again. He says that average time of each interval in a sleep cycle is of 60 minutes in babies, 75 minutes in toddlers and 90 minutes in kids and adults. The average total sleep time is around 18 to 20 hours in babies, 11 to 16 hours in toddlers and 8 to 10 hours in kids. Understanding of sleep cycles and average sleep time can help us to know the natural sleep phenomenon and tackle the sleep issues of our little ones well.

First Three Months – The Most Difficult Time

Sleeping during the day and staying awake at night especially during the first three months is a problem faced by almost all parents. The exceptions are the blessed souls but there is hardly an exception to this because baby’s system needs time to understand and get accustomed to the day and night cycle. The sleep problems are settled with most of the babies by start of 4th month. Some real trouble makers however take more to settle down with the night owls being most difficult as they may take up to their first birthday to settle down. Your struggle would certainly be hard if you have a baby who stays awake most the night.

Four to Twelve Months – They Start Developing Some Pattern

Babies develop some sleeping pattern by this age. Most of the babies learn to remain asleep at night with one or two wake ups and enjoy their day by playing more. They take 2 to 3 short naps during the day. By end of year 1, most babies like to nap twice a day and sleep full night. The total sleep time varies though, in some from 10 to 12 hours while in others 12 to 14 hours.

Common Factors which Impact Sleep

The sleeping problems during the first three months are primarily for the reason that baby’s system takes time to adjust to the new environment. In mother’s womb, it is dark all the time so they after birth need time to understand the day and night cycle. The second common reason is baby’s struggle with colic in these early months since babies only food source is just milk which they need to suck so while sucking they also suck in the air that leads to gas issues. The right way of latching helps reduce the gas issue. We discussed solutions to this in our articles under latching / unlatching and gas/colic issues.

Possible Solutions

There is no set sleeping pattern in new born. Early few weeks, they remain asleep most of the day and night as they are not much familiar with outside world and they continue similar routine as was they followed in their mum’s womb. The sleep time, sleep cycle duration and pattern all varies in different babies. Some take long naps and just get up when they feel hungry. They take feed and go back to sleep. They wake up in between, play with themselves and then go back to sleep again. Some take short naps and gets up more quickly. They are more sensitive to noise around them so wake up but mostly go back to sleep again. However sometimes they may like to have some activity so to grab attention of their parents you can expect a loud cry from them.

Use Colorful Musical Top Toys

You can try top revolving toys having light music and colorful lights options. Babies feel amused with colors and music so you can hang on them in their cots or sleeping areas. Mostly they feel amused seeing the colors and light, enjoy music and then go back to sleep themselves but some may expect more and like to be picked up, patted their backs and rocked before they feel settled and go back to sleep. However avoid picking them up and rocking as much as possible. This sometimes can create longer term expectations where some children take too long to settle and expect patting and rocking even at the age of 4 or 5. If you feel patting and rocking can add some comfort then try to do it leaving them laid in their cots. Do it very swiftly though so they don’t start expecting it as routine.

Make Their Day Busy

Keep them busy during the day. Let them enjoy some top toys. Play with them, it not only keep them engaged but strengthened the bond too. Try to set their nap patterns e.g., waking them up after every 2 or 3 hours for the feed and then engage in some activity.

At Night, Let them settle on their Own

At night, avoid picking them up and try your best to make them asleep in their cot or sleeping area. Don’t pay attention until needed. If you find them awake but not crying then let them play with themselves and go back to sleep on their own. Your intervention or attention without asking can convey a wrong signal. This would mean that they can expect your time and attention at night time also. You rather should convey that you are sleeping and not aware of her being awake so with passing time she would learn that at this dark time she is not supposed to play but go back to sleep. Through this you can help them to immune to the day and night cycle more quickly.

Use Wrapping Sheets, Sleepers or Sleeping Bags

Use wrapping sheets, sleepers or sleeping bags to keep them comfortable and warm on one hand and to make them safe on the other. The sheets, sleepers and bags come in beautiful designs and styles. They are made to provide a comfortable grasp so baby feels wrapped and safe and can also keep them fully covered to protect them from cold. Make sure to use appropriate material keeping in mind your room temperature. You can use thin cotton ones or thick woolen or acrylic ones keeping in consideration your room temperature.

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