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by Waqar Ali Ali 29 Jan 2021 0 Comments

This is a common problem with children who are just starting school as they feel afraid and insecure at a new place full of strangers. They also don’t feel happy about a daily routine of waking up early and attending school because they find more excitement in a causal routine of their choice. These problems, however, are solved with children getting acquainted with the school system, start making friends, develop an affiliation with teachers, get to know that school offers fun and creativity along with structured education and they will receive recognition and appreciation of their achievements.

In some children, however, this may go beyond the average acceptable time frame. They don’t find any attraction in school thus avoids and find ways to skip school. The most common reasons are that they are not able to develop associations and affiliations at school. They could be introvert so find expressing themselves and getting along with other children more difficult. They sometimes don’t like sharing which could be a reason that other children don’t want to become their friends. Other than that, there could be some racial or cultural differences for which they may find themselves unfit in a particular class or group. The older children avoid school because of the physical changes they are being through with early signs of adolescence. Girls in adolescence might skip school on their special days as they could be feeling uncomfortable especially on games/physical activity days. Boys could feel reluctant with their vocal cords developing and leading to a change in their voice pitch. This happens in both boys and girls but is more evident in boys where their voice starts cracking or sounding heavy because their larynx is getting bigger and thicker.  The more concerning situation is bullying or harassment by someone at school or a van/bus driver, an older student, etc.

Being parents, we must always remember that children never use excuses without a reason. Their reluctance to follow instructions or a regular life routine always has a valid reason and a background that parents need to help understand and address. If your child is avoiding school even after passing the initial orientation timeframe or if this problem starts after they were well settled at school then you must investigate the reasons and find appropriate solutions to make them comfortable. You should talk to them making them comfortable to know what they are being through and then accordingly discuss this with their teachers to find solutions. It could be solved by changing section, helping them find friends, finding opportunities for them which could excite them about the school, not overburdening them with homework and test preparations, allowing them enough time to do activities of their choice after school and over the weekends, etc. Serious issues like bullying or harassment need immediate attention and should be resolved as quickly as possible.

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