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by Waqar Ali Ali 25 Aug 2019 0 Comments

Mother feed must be the very first thing that your new born should taste. Research proves that babies who grow on mother feed have better IQ level, stronger immune system and are healthier than the babies grown on bottle feed. It is very important for mothers that they immediately start feeding their new born.

It is a common complain that in the initial days right after birth the feed is not sufficient or mothers find feeding their new born bit difficult especially if the delivery is through cesarean. The struggle of initial few days is bit demanding and challenging for both the mother and the baby especially if this is your first baby. Both are learning and adopting to it and during this mothers need to be extra careful with their dietary options. You should eat healthy food and drink plenty of liquids.

The posture too is very critical in overcoming this challenge. Mothers don’t drink sufficient liquids after delivery and this leads to trouble with flow and quantity of feed. Additionally, the wrong posture leads to trouble and pain for the mother and impacts the feed flow as well. The wrong posture makes mother and child tired and baby remains hungry and disturbed ultimately. Be sure to choose right position. There are some options which you can try and choose from. There is no ranking between them. Rather these all are options and you can choose few or all as alternatives between feeds and as baby grows.

  1. Cradle Position

This is mostly commonly used position. Mother holds a baby by putting one arm under the baby and using other hand to hold or support breast or baby while feeding. In this position, you can use same side arm on which you like to feed your baby meaning right arm under the baby if you are feeling from right breast with left hand supporting the breast or baby and left arm under the baby if you are feeding from the left side with right hand supporting the breast or baby.

It is suggested to use a regular or a nursing pillow under the baby as that would make it more comfortable for both the baby and the mom. Put baby over pillow with his face, tummy and entire body facing towards you or in other words baby’s tummy and body should be touching your body completely. The pillow should also be able to support your breast from bottom. This keeps breast uplifted for easy holding and sucking for the baby and makes sitting comfortable for the mom. While feeding you must not bend over your baby. This on one side puts extra pressure on baby and impact feed flow and on the other side impacts your back bone and shoulders and makes you tired quickly while feeding. Depending your convenience, you can use back pillows being on bed, or a comfortable couch or chair if sitting. This back support should be able to keep your back in straight upright position while also allow some support for the arms in the form of arms rest or pillow in your lap under the baby. Ensure that you put nipple and the entire areola (the darker part around the nipple area) into baby’s mouth. Mothers normally put only nipple and that results in nipple pain, soreness and cracking. Additionally this doesn’t fully stimulate the milk glands and impacts the feed flow. But if you put nipple along with entire areola it would ensure a better feed flow and you wouldn’t feel pain, soreness and cracking in nipples.

  1. Cross Cradle Position

In cross cradle position, the sitting posture and all other details remain same as is explained under cradle position. The only difference is that you use opposite arm under the baby.

While feeding from the right side, put left arm under the baby and use right arm to support or hold breast. Similarly when feeding from left side, put right arm under the baby and use left hand to hold or support the breast. The use of pillows, sitting posture of mom, lying position of baby, method of putting in nipple and areola etc. all are same as already covered under cradle position.

  1. The Side Lying Position

 In this position, you can feed while lying in your bed. It can be used by those who go through cesarean for the delivery. It is difficult to sit during initial days after the cesarean so mothers can feed while lying in the bed.

Use pillows to support your head and neck and use a small pillow to place baby. The new born is very small and reaching to nipple while lying on side sometimes is difficult for the baby. You can use a small pillow under the baby. Put your baby on one side on the pillow facing towards you and put in the nipple and areola in her mouth. You can use both your arms for support as needed. You can put an arm around the baby to support her from falling away as well as supporting her while taking feed. You can use other arm to put under your head for supporting your posture.

  1. The Laid Back Position

This position is good in the initial hours after delivery when mother is tired with delivery pain. This is also good for cesarean deliveries and obviously any time at later stages.

In this position, the mother can lay back on a reclining chair, hospital bed by adjusting in the reclining position or on a regular bed with use of multiple pillows and/or cushions for support. Put baby on your tummy with his face placed on top of your breast. Hold him with same arm e.g., right arm if you are feeding from right side making it convenient so baby can hold the nipple and areola easily. His body should be resting on your tummy but make sure that his feet must not reach your c-section wound. You can use your left hand to hold or support breast. Hold it in a way so your hand is placed underneath your breast to uplift which makes feed flow smoother and better and putting of nipple and areola fully into baby’s mouth easier. With this position, the mother can lay back and relax and baby can take his feed easily. In this position too, ensure that nipple and areola is completely inside the baby’s mouth.

  1. The Football Hold Position

This position again is good in the initial hours after delivery especially C-section deliveries. You may try football hold position in case laid back doesn’t work for you or you may use both as alternates between the feeds.

Put a pillow on side and place baby on it facing towards you so he could hold the nipple. His body and feet should be under the same side arm as you may put a football under one of your arms. The baby’s face should be at the front of your breast. Put nipple and areola in baby’s mouth to ensure smooth flow. Hold or support baby’s head with same hand whereas use other hand to support your breast. Feeding from right side mean, place a pillow on the right side. Put baby on it. Use your right arm to cover the baby and support his head with your right hand. Place left head underneath your breast to uplift and support the breast for better flow.

Latching and Unlatching in all Positions

In all positions, latching and unlatching needs extra care. Be sure that baby and mother are well settled at the start and end of each feed. Sometimes baby sleeps while finishing the feed but doesn’t leave the nipples automatically. On few occasions when you try to unlatch some babies start sucking again and doesn’t want to leave. Be careful and never unlatch forcefully. Allow your baby to settle down. You must pull out nipples smoothly and may use your finger at the corner of baby’s lips to release the nipple. Doing it abruptly or forcefully will result in nipple cracking and pain. The baby may wake up crying and irritating because of disturbed sleep and unexpected wake up.

Mother feed and only mother feed develops a strong natural immune system that helps baby to fight with germs and staying healthy by not falling sick. The minor colds, flu can be cured with natural remedies without using antibiotics, given you make an effort and just focus mother feed for the first 4 to 6 months.

Breasts Soreness and Cracking Nipples:

Wash breasts with warm water in the initial days. This is hygienic for the child and helps soar breasts. This therapy drastically helps the feed flow as a side benefit. You need some cotton, a bowl of warm water (tolerable for body). Dip cotton in the water and drop water on the breast one by one. You can continue this procedure until the water becomes Luke warm. It would be 5 to 8 minutes usually depending the room temperature.  This simple therapy is greatly helpful in soothing your breasts and helping the smooth flow of feed in the coming days.

For cracking nipples, you can use nipple cream. These are available easily on the pharmacies. You can also request your doctor to suggest a one.

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