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by Waqar Ali Ali 12 Aug 2019 0 Comments

Jaundice is common in new born. In Jaundice, skin and white part of eyes appears yellow. Almost 95% of the babies are born with jaundice. It normally appears within three to five days after birth. It is caused due to high levels of bilirubin, a yellow pigment produced through normal breakdown of red blood cells. Since liver is yet not fully developed in the new born thus bilirubin stays in blood instead of being removed through intestinal tract as is processed in the older babies or adults.

You don’t need to give any medication for new born jaundice.  It usually disappears in 2 to 3 weeks’ time. Jaundice can prolong to 3 to 4 weeks in breastfed babies. There is nothing to worry about it. However if signs stays even after 4 weeks then it is better to consult a doctor for a blood test or professional advice. Additionally, if baby has high grade fever or the yellow color of skin deepens then consult a doctor immediately.

Photo Therapy: Some suggest mild sun exposure also called “photo therapy” in the morning for quick recovery. For photo therapy, you need to put baby for about 10 minutes in the sunlight early morning soon after the sunrise. It is better to cover baby with a thin (see through) piece of cloth. This can only be done soon after the sunrise. Don’t expose your baby to sun if your miss early sunrise.

Light Therapy: Light therapy may also be used on doctor’s recommendation. The picture above shows light therapy treatment. Baby is placed under a special lamp that emits light in the blue-green spectrum. This helps in changing the shape and structure of bilirubin molecules and expedite the process of its excretion through urine and stool as it should normally happen. During treatment the baby only wears diaper and protective eye patches in order for the skin to remain fully exposed to light.

Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIg) and Blood Transfusion: If however jaundice is related to blood type differences between mother and baby then the treatment would be complex. This condition results in the baby carrying antibodies from that mother that contribute to the rapid breakdown of baby’s red blood cells. It may be treated through Intravenous transfusion of an immunoglobulin, a blood protein that can reduce levels of antibodies or otherwise a blood transfusion would be required. Blood transfusion involves repeatedly withdrawing small amounts of blood and replacing it with donor blood which dilute the bilirubin and material antibodies.

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