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by Waqar Ali Ali 25 Sep 2019 0 Comments

Sleep troubles in toddlers mostly are related with fear. In some situations, there can be other factors like jealousy or to get more of parents’ attention. More commonly however children develop different fears e.g., fear of dark, fear of animals, fear of monsters / witches, fear of death, fear of separation from parents etc. There is a likelihood that parents play role in developing or strengthening some of these fears by using these as obeying / getting agreed techniques. It is also possible that they develop these just with their own imagination. They get such ideas from cartoons, animation movies or games. Make sure you don’t leave your child on risk of such cartoons, movies or games and also don’t use these as frightening techniques. You need to keep an eye on their activities to know well the content they are watching or exposed to.

Parents need to be cautious as sometimes such fears can last lifelong and the problems go much beyond just sleeping.  Children feel insecure and this sense of insecurity remains with them sometimes all their lives. It also impacts their self-confidence.

How can we help our children to overcome such fears?

Since it is dark inside and outside the room so many toddlers develop fear of dark. It makes children scared when they are preparing for sleep and they find closing eyes very hard to land in the world of full darkness. They are dependent on parents and don’t find themselves strong enough in case they are being attacked by a monster or an animal.

Some parents try to handle fears by throwing children exposed to their fear. For example, some handle fear of animals by taking children forcefully close to that animal.  This may work with some positive results but higher likelihood is more negative impact. Some parents argue with their children to make them accept that their point of view is not more than a lame excuse. It may not be true and even if it is true, in both situations argument with children impacts negatively. They would stop expressing themselves as they would start believing that you would never listen to them or let them share what they are being through.

The most appropriate approach therefore is to guide and help your child to handle these fears. They don’t only impact your child in his independent sleep but can have other psychological impacts too. Depending on toddler’s age, you can use logic or games to help guide him. Work with your child politely making him understand gradually that he doesn’t need to be afraid of these things. If you feel your child is able to understand things logically when you explain, then try that as it would help him to fight against his fears. You can leave a dim light on in their rooms. You can leave the door open to make them comfortable. For younger ones, you can try some games where child is exposed to dark or an animal that he feels afraid of but in a friendly environment.

Establish Bedtime Routines​

It is advisable to parents that they should establish a bed time routine as early as possible. You can start it
soon after the children develop some understanding of it. These could be couple of things to communicate your child that time to sleep is approaching. You could stay bit flexible with time e.g., weekends but include these routine in daily life to help child prepare for the sleep. You can dim or reduce lights in the room. Put on her night dress and put her in bed, sing along her favorite rhymes which at later stage should become stories or discussion on some topics so this time could be used for learning and development also.

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