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by Waqar Ali Ali 09 Aug 2019 0 Comments

Love and affection for sure but more important for toddlers is “attention and time”. They need undivided full time attention. Being busy, it is not possible to give this undivided full time attention so you should be able to come up with schedule which could keep them busy, happy and make them tired so they can have naps which are healthy for them and would provide breaks to you to do other necessary stuff.

Love and affection for sure but more important for toddlers is “attention and time”. They need undivided full time attention. They like their parents to appreciate each of their moment as accomplishment and encourage them to achieve more. This is transformation time from a baby to a toddler. In babyhood, they see their parents specifically mother being around almost all the time doing all the things for a baby. In toddler doom they gradually start doing things on their own.

They enjoy this independence however still like their parents to be around them to see, help and encourage them in what they are now able to do independently. They do nonsense stuff when they are not able to get attention by doing normal stuff. They are quick observers and learn that easiest way to grab your attention when you are super busy is to do something destructive. They know you would immediately attend if you hear them crying, breaking or approaching towards an item that is unsafe for them. So they make sure to do that particular trick which can immediately grab your attention.

Being busy, it is not possible to give this undivided full time attention so you should be able to come up with schedule which could keep them busy, happy and make them tired so they can have naps which are healthy for them and would provide breaks to you to do other necessary stuff.

Remember toddlers have very short span of attention. They get bored very quickly. They enjoy learning by watching videos. You can select programs for them which they enjoy but contain safe activities in case they like to later try those out and have a learning content. Painting, drawing and playing with colors is also fun for them. You can arrange some time for them around these activities.

Toddlers love playing with water. It is a good summer sport. You can organize their play area by providing them a small water pool, few toys which they can play with in water. Make sure the water level is safe as per their height. They love helping their parents. Find ways to engage them in what you do. They would be happy standing along you while you are cleaning dishes. They can provide you clips to hang clothes. You can fold and they can assist in putting piles.

Let them do some controlled damage as well. You may give them some clay or dough so they could try their creativity. Toddlers love creating things as they physically see and observe their elders doing. They life to be chefs, gardeners, car mechanics, makeup artists etc. See what your toddlers enjoy and help build some of activities around these areas to keep them engaged and develop their creativity.

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